Saturday, May 26, 2007

There is too much to say so I will say only this

I met a Sikh on one of the five flights it took to get here. He said India has too many people and too many religions. I wonder if this has something to do with the Sikh independence movement. He was very friendly though and gave me his phone number so if I ever were in trouble or needed help I could call him.

A taxi driver had a sign with my name on it when I finally got out of the airport in Goa. He drove on the wrong side of the road so frequently it was almost difficult to tell which side was standard. This seems to be the norm on Indian roads. He listened to Bollywood music and liked the Rocky movies a lot.

There are emaciated stray dogs everywhere. Some get hit by cars and rot on the side of the road where they are eaten by vultures. I’m guessing this is because they probably do not spay or neuter. We met one at Sunburn Beach (I don’t remember the real name) which I named Durga. Sean Dalby tried to feed her but she refused to eat. Someone chimed in she would only accept blood sacrifice.


DF said...

Thanx for the taxi driver, William & Mary!!!!!!!!!!!

DF said...

wait, wait FIVE flights? I thought three.

sean! said...

i thought that said emancipated stray dogs
