Monday, June 25, 2007

Sunrise Stinkers

Three of us got on the Konkan Railway yesterday at 5pm and arrived in Mumbai at about 7am, only two hours behind schedule. The first thing I noticed as we neared Victoria Terminal was that lots of people came out to the rails to take their morning dumps. Like, literally dozens of dudes of all ages dropping deuces in broad daylight, completely visible from the train, their wangs all hanging droopy as they squatted.

My first thought was ‘why would you deliberately go to the most public place available to unload your pile?’ Then I realized that the tracks were already covered in crap because the train toilets are just holes in the floor. Also the plumbing-free slums are located directly adjacent to the tracks because that land has so little property value.


Andy said...

were they upset at you for taking pictures of them crapping?

William said...

about as upset as you usually get. so not really.