Monday, June 25, 2007

Zoroastrian Burial Rites

Mumbai has the highest Parsi population anywhere in India. Because of this there are lots of agiaries, or fire temples, easily distinguishable by the winged lion gargoyles which guard their doors. These aren’t the only Zoroastrian buildings in the city though. Hidden in the forest below the Hanging Gardens is the Tower of Silence. This is where the Parsi dead are laid out to be eaten by scavenger birds. Only the faithful are allowed to come but the vultures can be seen circling from a distance.


JEFF said...

Do you know anything about that religion? I believe it originated in Persia and now the Iranians persecute Zoroastrians.

William said...

Yes, the Parsi population here fled Iran for that reason. They also brought lots of delicious Iranian food which we sampled. Zoroastrianism is also the first monotheistic religion in the world. They worship a fire god. Unfortunately their numbers are dwindling and they don't do much conversion so they may die out.

sarah said...

william, i am not an immediate family member and am reading and loving your blog! i meant to tell you sooner. i am very attached to literary india but have yet to travel over there, and so i much appreciate your blog, as it confirms and illustrate the mysteries and dissonances that make up the fascinating chaos i've imagined. hooray orientalism...
but please, safe travels and no doubt we'll meet again in virginia sometime.

DF said...

Sarah, what do you mean you're not an immediate family member? I never got that memo!
-Adrianne's mom

adrianne said...

wm, did you know mom and dad want you to live with me in august?

William said...

yes and i am turbo-stoked on it

sarah said...

awr, thanks mama fener

adrianne said...

mooore poooosts